How can I mix mods?


Almost every mod I'm trying to install is overwriting my existing mods.Same file name but I'm almost sure that if there was a way to mix them there wasn't any problem.Help?
You would need to use winmerge and copy over the differences from one of the files into the other.
Thanks! BTW,SandBox+ not working...every other mod works...not shortcuts and not the default mods(non temporary weapons)
It is most likely because you didn't reset your keybinds in the right menu. See the OP of the Sandbox+ thread for a link to actual screenshots showing where you need to do that.
Actually did it 3 times.And then in every seperate category.Still not.But it's not only the shortcuts so i think that's not the problem
Did you happen to overwrite the sr3_city.lua file with one from another mod like mission replay?

Also, are you sure that the files are in the right place? You need to install specific files in two different locations, as per the readme.
Are you using the legal Steam version of SRTT? Take a screenshot of your SRTT folder where the game exe is so I can confirm you have the files in the right place.
Pirates sure love wasting my time trying to get help for things that will never work right for them.