SRIV how do i open clmesh_pc and glmesh_pc files ?

i'm trying to open some files from saints row 4 to get the 3D model, but i cant seem to find a program or anything to open it. When i search for "clmesh_pc", only 3 google searches show >.< . I'm kind of new to the 3D thing, so i dont know if i'm missing something obvious. Thanks in advance for any awnser.
These are proprietary formats that we use to store the data. I think there are some tools out there that will extract it, but I'm not sure what they are. The best option would be to post in the SR4 help forum.
Thank you very much for your help. I've just asked the same question over to the SR4 forum ( was checking only the left side, didnt see there was SR2 and SR4 forums >.< )
I'm trying to get the 3D model of the genki clock to hopefully make one in the future. fingers crossed !