how is it?

i really love saints row 3. it's the first i played in the series, im playing 2 right now on pc and wanna see why many said it's better than 3.

but WITHOUT spoiling please, is saints row 4 awesome like 3? or a downgrade? one thing i didnt like in SR3 much was it was a bit easy.... hope 4 is not that easy.
is hardcore mode unlocked at first play? if not is there a mod to unlock it?

I HATE GAMES where you have to unlock it.... i still have to play PROTOTYPE but it's so fucking easy i dont wanna play through twice.
SR4 is up there as one of the easiest games I've ever played. Almost as easy as AFK Simulator.
so when i start siants row 4 and wanna have a challenge (i play games on hard as default normally!) what would you suggest?