Vehicles How to change vehicle ID/hash for current vehicle file via HxD editor or any hex editor?

Hi, I'm trying to get cutscene vehicles to be usable as actual vehicles in Saints Row 2 without any mods like Gentleman of the Row. Yes, I'm aware I can get these cutscene vehicles from installing mods, but honestly I want to individually export these cutscene vehicles for XB36Hazard's SRC tool vehicle share feature for download to the public; So that you don't have to install a entire mod to get these rare unobtainable cutscene vehicles. All I need is the cutscene vehicle's IDs and some guidance for how to exchange the ID with a already existing vehicle file, so that the cutscene vehicle can work and be loaded into a game like a actual vehicle. All you doing is tricking the game to think the cutscene vehicle exist in your garage so the game won't crash. I hope anyone can help me solve how to manually add rare cutscene vehicles via hex editor. Thanks. Example of what kind of cutscene vehicles im referring to... (see images below).