How to recreate smg -cyberspace ?

YES its me again :p , i was playing this one mision and i saw that some guys are holding the cyber blaster , is there any way to put it back in game ?
If someone holds and uses it in game(not a cutscene), it is possible to get it to the player. I thought there were mods that enabled all the weapons for the player.
Its quite easy to get it back in game, just search for it in the weapons table make sure it is in the <table> section, if it is and its not marked somthing like OLD/NOT USED then you should be able to just add it in to store_weapons.xtbl and get it in store you might need to update it in items_invantory aswell (good way to test before you add to store to see if a weapon will spawn use my weapon delivery mod and just edit it to spawn your weapon name), if you cant find it its proaly packed into the mission its self as thats quite common if somthing is only used once in game it saves on memory as pre loading every item in game would not be a great idea :p, if you still have trouble then just port it in from SRTT if its the weapon im thinking of the one that ataches to end of your arm that you unlock in store in SRTT?, if so iv already extracted the model for it and aslong as its a CCMESH you should be able to replace it quite easy for another model in game
you will need both model and texture for weapon

Sory for such long reply wanted to try and cover every possible way that I could think of
Keep in mind that memory limits are different on different things. The important thing is it is loaded, not so much where. You could add it to the world always loaded asm file or item preload if there was room there. Hopefully this will get easier soon.