Hulk Script

So I was browsing gameplay videos and came across a Hulk script which basically adds all these abilities like super strength and being able to lift and throw cars and use lamp posts as melee weapons, stuff like that. I know GTA and Saints Row are two different programs, and I usually don't like to request because I consider myself grateful that someone even bothered to modify the game at all in a way that benefits me personally, but I was wondering if this cold be possible.

It could... But the thing is no one makes any script mods for Saints Row. Since Volition added support for .xtbl files and such, no one has bothered to make any REAL mods (Ones that can do absolutely anything) at least to my knowledge.
It could... But the thing is no one makes any script mods for Saints Row. Since Volition added support for .xtbl files and such, no one has bothered to make any REAL mods (Ones that can do absolutely anything) at least to my knowledge.
All the mods you can found here are real mods . It's just because we're limited for the moment .
What I mean by "Real" mods is mods that have no limitations, that are scripts. I would call what we are using right now addons, since your basically overwriting a file. Not to ssay that .xtbl mods arent mods, they just arent in the sense of mods. And now I have no idea what im saying