I read this on the internet is it true?

Asking on this forum since many people here have spent countless dedicated hours pouring over the endless code of the game so we can enjoy our lives on the row even more. If anyone has any comments or thoughts I would enjoy reading them. It just erks me if each level of a weapon upgrade took up a slot of RAM is true then this one reason would be the prime suspect for the lack of customization of everything in the game. It might mean say for a vehicle that each vehicle mod takes up a slot in RAM such as exhaust tips, hoods, etc. Its very disheartening for me as a consumer if true since there is no possible way to ever fix it since it would be embedded in the code so deep, and if volition new about this problem, that means its buried so deep into the core engine that there was no going back for them to fix it when developing the game itself.

On the other hand it shows the genius and talent of the programmers at volition to make the game even work at all on consoles if this is the case and on pcs without leaking all over. If this statement is true it really shows the dedication of volition to release the game at all. I am sort of disappointed if true, then again I am more proud of Volition if true due to their hard work to make the game playable at all with such a HUGE flaw holding back their real creativity.

In this post: http://www.saintsrow.com/community/go/thread/view/136781/29356183/?pg=last#524338713
the poster says: "having each upgradeable weapon take up the RAM of four distinct and different weapons"

Also this: from V-Singular: http://saintsrow.com/community/go/t..._from_Gangsters_in_Space&post_num=9#516780025
"We fully wanted to bring these new weapons back into the main game, but the memory issues have kept it at bay."
Yes, any mesh or texture that is preloaded will take up memory. Guns have multiple meshes and textures, so they do take up 4x as much memory as a similar sized asset.

Also, there is no such thing as a "RAM slot". An asset simply uses an amount of memory (i.e. RAM.)
From what little has been said about the Enter the Dominatrix, it sounds like its basically a fixed version of SR3 at the moment. This could change later if they scrap the projects development though judging from the past and their time table to finish SR3 without rebooting the engine for its allocation of memory issues leads me to think that SR4 will be the fixed version of SR3. Maybe SR3 is the vista of the saints row franchise so to speak.
personally I'd like it better if they'd just go back to keeping regular guns and OP'd guns separate. Not every gun in the game needed a final upgrade that was ridiculous. Instead the final upgrades should've been separate unlockable weapons like in SR2. Or at the very least they should've let you toggle upgrades at the cache screen so you could choose whether you wanted to be a one-man army or limit yourself to make things more challenging.

And if they want to keep the upgrading aspect, fine, but the weapons don't need a separate model for each upgrade (barring maybe the assault rifle/grenade launcher combo) and instead they should just tie the upgrade stat changes to the character themselves.
Agreed and on that point I do not understand the chcekbox system in the game. It appears to be unfinished by the devs as if we could uncheck the boxes like in the vehicle selections. Maybe the code is there to do it but not active, would be great to go back say to wielding one pistol if I wanted. I like the upgrades and think they help at the start since their so easy to get but we should have been able to uncheck them later so the game isnt so easy to beat and play and loses its balance, also for RPing it ruins the game. Maybe I am the only one who RP's in the game as a police officer, or a hitman, or a hot dog vendor, etc. But being stuck with duel wielding really kills the RP value. Its not the diff models that caused the problem from what I read its the fact that all those models are loaded with every weapon that is the problem. In other words it doesnt load one model it loads all of them, this is why the game has no customization every asset from cars to guns is like this it loads every model for the exhaust tips for example.

While the super weapons are great and all and fun, how about being able to switch weps then on the fly and not needing to go back to the crib or a gunstore everytime. What would be nice is a homey who rolls up pops the trunk with an arsenal inside and you can swap out as needed. This makes the rp aspect more fun then carrying all the guns on the fly but that takes alot of work to make a car or mod a car for a trunk to open, thats physics right there and a huge pain.
There are no functions in the engine to revert back to previous upgrade levels. Your best bet is to use Corrodias' save editor in the tools subform.
Sure add me for some RP action as a hot dog and with halloween coming a witch and werewolf!!! Im going to start a new coop run soon once I finish this run. Game is crashing alot for me because I use a controller. Seems whenever the controller loses connection the game is supposed to pause but for some reason it instead crashes. This was occurring before any mods so it is not any mod causing this behavior and the controller I use is the regular xbox one, made a post at their tech forums but never heard anything back.

If we cant take checks off weapons, just an idea but can the same weapon be added to the game 4 times since it is loading the 4 versions, meaning in the weapons cache selection would be every version of the gun the 4 levels and players just picked which one they wanted to use.
it seems very strange that you wouldn't be able to, say, modify the Friendly Fire screen to allow you to select which level of a weapon you want to equip, especially since Sandbox+ allows you to cycle through the four levels on the fly (provided that you downgrade them all with the save editor).
The problem is that the engine treats them as permanent unlocks. There are no no functions at all in the engine to rescind them so you're stuck with using a save editor or changing them on the fly like that (but only temp upgrades and never downgrades.) In fact, one of the missions is slightly broken that tries to give you a lower level gun. It simply doesn't work and your stuck with whatever level you have it if you have unlocked a higher one.
Seriously some guys on saintsrow.com know absolutely nothing. Or can I say the majority?