IAD-Background Image Editing

In the IAD ( Image As Designed ) store, inside the user interface, ( where you enter to customise your player character ) there is an animated background. ( as shown below )
( image size reduced to fit on page - originally 1920x1080 reduced to 1000x936 )

Is it possible to edit the IAD background image to make it one color so that it would look like the image below ?


Would you please let me know where this file is located and the file name.
What procedure would you recommend to accomplish this ?
Thank you
Progress report / update

I found what may be the image files for these backgrounds in the
After decompressing the interface.vpp_pc with the Gibbs Volition tools,
I then decompressed the ui_bms_store_iad.str2_pc and then found these files ;

The 2 files above are image files that are decompressed and converted to the .DDS image file format
using Saints Row the Third Texture Tools v5.0 by scanti
( you can find this in the tools section of this site. )

Using the image editing program 'GIMP',
I edited the images to make them one color ( medium blue ) R-0 G-0 B-255
Then saved them in the RGB8 DXT1 format.
Repacked the files using Saints Row the Third Texture Tools v5.0 by scanti
Then repacked the ui_bms_store_iad.str2_pc with the Gibbs Volition tools.
I updated the .asm file ( ui_images.asm_pc )
Put the files into the Steam/SteamApps/common/saints row the third folder where the .exe is located.

Then started the game and when I went into the IAD ( Image As Designed ) store user interface ( where you customize your player )
there was NO change, it looked the same as if what I edited did nothing.:(

Could it be that because this is an animated texture, there may be additional files that also require editing ?:confused:
Is there a file or code lines within a file that would indicate if this texture is an animated texture ?
For example ; <is_animated_texture>true</is_animated_texture>

Any advice, guidance, pointers or feedback would be very much appreciated.:D
Thank you;)
All backgrounds from the stores are animated textures.
What's the extension of the texture you wanted to edit?
Btw... R - 0 G - 0 B - 255 (#0000FF) is not medium blue.
The extension of the texture edited is .dds
Well that is... weird. At least to me. If there are animated textures you'd expect different extensions, like BIK or such.
Well that is... weird. At least to me. If there are animated textures you'd expect different extensions, like BIK or such.

yes, I thought the same thing too, however, it is a .dds file.

That is why I think that there may be a file or code lines within some file that would indicate that this image is an animated texture.

Have you tried the procedure that I did shown above ?

Thanks for your help:cool:
I don't think there are any tags that loads a normal static .dds as an animated file.
Although something similar comes back in FlatOut 2... But in FlatOut 2 it works at least.