Idea for Radio Station in Gat out of Hell

There should be a radio station that only plays shitty music produced by Satan that is purely designed to torture. E.g screeching untuned electric guitar, demons rapping, and a song that consists entirely of people screaming. Or it could include shitty music like RAED (don't look him up unless you like bleeding ears), Rebecca Black, etc. Just a thought.
Blub, you know you can simply disable channels if you don't want to hear them, idk why you are against others having the choice.

I think it would be humorous if they did it right and had the right DJ.
Blub, you know you can simply disable channels if you don't want to hear them, idk why you are against others having the choice.

I think it would be humorous if they did it right and had the right DJ.

No I am not agains sb. elses choice I am just discussing
And if that sounded offensive I am sorry :/
^Same. Kinda like the Adult Swim channel from 3. Dear god yes, let me hear the Aqua Teen Theme song YET AGAIN. Still, gave me a few chuckles with the DJ.