Improper Car Colour

Strange glitch I noticed today.

I noticed it when I was editing vehicle and pedestrian density and min/max vehicle spawn in spawn_info_categories. But I really don't think those edits were the issue.

Heres the issue:
Some vehicles have a strange shade of green (very very very light green) that looks really otherworldly, it pops up on the white part of police cars all the time. The colour is not available in the colour pallete (within the garage) and if I take one of the vehicles that have this issue, take it to a garage and enter the customization interface, then the colour returns to it's respective (and I assume original/default) colour.

So far I havn't noticed a pattern in the issue appearing, these strangely coloured vehicles appear everywhere, any time of day/night and have no common "default" colour when I take it to the garage.

I tried reinstalling the game (to return an unaltered shaders package), removing any tables that alter the weather or skybox, removing all tables after that, reinstalling directX, running the game on low, medium and high settings, running the game without DX11, deleting display.ini so the game would generate a new one.

Thats everything I have tried, I'm starting to think this may be a gamesave issue, but I havn't started a new game to test this theory out.

If you guys have any ideas/solutions or input to my really weird glitch it would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: I can confirm changing the weather fixed this issue, I have no idea how that fixed it or what caused it. Could an admin please delete or lock this thread? Thanks