Improve AI with the ones from Propaganda Trucks in Back to the 50 mission

^I would love to see this happen :p all of the pedestrians driving their cars would chase you like mad if you made any hostile move to them.
I don't use cheats, but I thought the propaganda cars were amazingly crazy... lol
First time I had to stand on a car so they couldn't ram me, and another time I got lucky and all 3 vans got stuck on a wall or telegraph pole so I picked them off with Dubstep, I don't think I could play the game with all the cars being that mental lmao
I don't use cheats, but I thought the propaganda cars were amazingly crazy... lol
First time I had to stand on a car so they couldn't ram me, and another time I got lucky and all 3 vans got stuck on a wall or telegraph pole so I picked them off with Dubstep, I don't think I could play the game with all the cars being that mental lmao
Well..the reason why i am requesting the mod is because it's crazy fun having enemies in cars chasing after you :p not to mention i hate AI drives away when you hit their car. I would love them to be aggressive and fight back. It will activate once someone is angry at you :p