
Is it just me, or am I starting to get bored with SR3? I mean, all I do is kill cops basicly. And watch people kill eachother in insane ways. Using a bit of this and a bit of that to do a bit of this. I always think, GOOOOD THAT'S WHAT THIS GAME NEEDS TO BE SUPER FUNNY! But then I have it and...Meh. I can't wait for GTA 5 if anyone makes a mod where you can change the way you look instead of a grumpy old grand-daddy. Sorry to say it, but Saint's Row has hit the too messed up category in my eyes.
Just play SR 2. I have like like 300+ hours in it comparing to to "little" 40 hours in SR 3 (which was imo, a big dissapointment, even mods couldn't safe that game for me).
Also looking forward to GTA V. I mean, if it even has bigger map than GTA SA...