
OK not sure if this goes under "Do NOT request increasing the size of the garage or wardrobe. These are also a part of the save file and cannot be modded at this time.", but is it possible add in new areas? Like, making some of the buildings be enterable or being able to create crazy underground networks or something like that. I kinda have a hunch that this isn't really possible but I just wanted ask anyway.
Not yet. Keep your eye on the SDK releases though after release schedule D is when we start on open world geometry (which is going to be the most difficult out of everything.)
Will we also be able to create holes in existing things? I was thinking of creating some holes in the sidewalks, escpecially in the downtown district and add subway entrances and some subway stations underground. Then some subway lines to connect all the stations and travel on them with a motorcycle :D

Will we also be able to create new paths? I'm not asking if it will ever be done, don't want to piss off IdolNinja by asking for a release date, I'm asking if it will be possible? If yes, it would be nice to create some pedestrian paths in the subway so that pedestrians can walk around in there as well :D