Is It Still Impossible to Change SR2 Music?

After a bit of searching tonight, I found a thread saying it's impossible - but that was from over a year ago. So I'd like to know if this is still the case, or if any progress has been made, or if anything is in the works now that wasn't at the time.

It seems that some modders have managed to add new music, but my searching doesn't show anything that allows someone (with low modding experience) to just follow a how-to and change which songs play on the radio.

If it's doable for people with modding experience, but too difficult to explain to amateurs, would it be possible to work with a modder to get a specific song list into a new (or existing but modified) radio station? I am hoping, for example, to get it to play The Wondersmith and His Sons, Amaranth, Dragula, You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (possibly the Rainbow Dash version, which is enjoyably sped up), Juggernaut, and Stand My Ground or See Who I Am. Maybe a station for anime theme songs. Or get some amusing dissonance by making some stations that clash with the game: a Raffi station (or general kids' songs, maybe even Barney's "I Love You, You Love Me" ditty), a musical-theater station, a ska station, a country station.

Would be nice to be able to buy these in the music stores. I actually thought that was a nice touch in SR2, and it helped reduce the mental clutter that comes from having to sort through too huge a list while trying to make my mix tape. I prefer mechanics like that, that let me put only the things I want into the list I'm trying to look through.

Anyway, would like to know if I'm just getting my hopes up for nothing.
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That mod you linked just used existing music from the game. It did not add new music.

Adding/changing SR2 audio is not possible with the current tools.
Is it the case that you guys put together a really bizarre way of storing the music for use by the game? Or just that no one has gotten around to making a decent utility to let people change the music?
I recall studying NES and SNES hacking and learning some basic text hacks... and also that some of my favorite games stored text in the most bizarre styles possible, sometimes defying any attempt at hacking with my limited skill. Text dictionaries at least made sense (given space limitations)... having edits to the first part of the dialogue change later parts of dialogue to match didn't make as much sense. Eventually I got advised "If it's really bizarre, just remember that many of the creators were high at the time."

Space limitations aren't such a big problem anymore, but I could see them still cropping up to reduce lag and sync things up and such. So yeah, they probably had a good reason. But it still makes me sad that the best option is just to turn off in-game music entirely and have out-game players running in the background... because some of the coolest moments are going to lack their cool due to lacking specifically chosen musical scores.

Eh well. I suppose I'll get around to updating SRTT, but I'm really having fun going backwards through the series and I'm enjoying 2 much more than TT right now. I even drive better... and I just got me a Bear, which I then put in crazy anti-camou colors, and I would hate to not be able to drive that puppy around.