Is Saints Row modding dying?
No. Only if we let it. And I don't think any of us want that.
As i see modding dying. Old mod makers go away. New mod makers not appeared.
I rocked up here after the glory days of SRM (Always wanted to mod, just didn't have the means). Just because I wasn't there for the golden age doesn't mean I'm any less motivated to put my best work forward. In fact, before joining this forum, I never shared any of my creative endeavours with anyone. But this place has given me confidence in my own creations which carries over into other areas of my life.
Mod projects can take a while. During that time, the forums can get quiet. Don't be fooled into thinking nothing's happening.
No one fixing great mods.
I try not to release anything half-hearted. Any issues with my mods are investigated and fixed in an update, if possible.
I've also done my part to fix various issues with GotR.
So many times when a mod or tutorial or even a question is posted there is either no, or not much feedback received and that makes people wonder if anyone is out there paying attention.
Often it's just because no one knows the answer to the question. It's still worth asking though, because it prompts others to try to find a solution.
I quietly read the board for about 10 years before I ever posted anything. I read tutorials by Idolninja and Caboose and Spadita, and all the other people that I considered modding legends and I used to think that there was nothing that I could contribute.
Two things changed my mind.
1. SeaBound Saint came along and started a prolific modding career which helped bring on a ressurgence.
2. There weren't very many SR2 tutorials at that point and I wanted people to be able to find information easier than I was able to.
You're also more than welcome to write tutorials on any subject that I have previously written. I firmly believe that the more information that is available the better.
Some modding communities
(from what I've seen) can often feel closed off due to lack of tutorials and information. Thanks to you, we're getting tutorials for just about everything, so newcomers can jump straight into the Saints Row modding goodness!
1. How does the time cycle effect the weather?
I've always thought it's strange that speeding up time with
Sandbox++ causes Thunderstorms...
3. How to edit cutscenes (like Flippy and MrSaintsGodzilla21)
I could start typing something up on what I've learned. I've already written a "
Behind The Scenes" for
Cutscene Patch v1.3.
I'm an optimist, and so I prefer to think of modding not as a scene, but rather focus on each mod release. They are often made by one person, hoping that it improves experience of other players that like the same mod as well. Each one getting made is a miracle, since that person spent time they'll never get back only to publish the content for free. That's why I atleast react to posts even if I don't play the game anymore.
Reactions from Yourself,
@Spadita , and others were so encouraging when I first started posting mods here. Thank you!
Personally, the biggest shoutouts go to modding sites themselves, since that's how most of them get spread in the first place. Marvel Ultimate Alliance is still a very fun game to mod and I don't think that would be the case if muamods didn't exist. Speaking of which, hey thank you to MrFreeman for paying for hosting so all of my silly mods have a place to live! I'm thankful for the entire community, but really they're the one paying rent so that makes the entire contribution that much more special
I second this! It's been a little over a year since all the drama went down. Thanks
@MegaFreeman for keeping the lights on!