Is there a way to make Homies/Followers actually follow me?

During certain missions (like Three Way) I'm saddled with some Followers. In this example with Oleg and Pierce. But having cleared out area #1, I hop back into the pick-up truck, but the others refuse to get into the vehicle. When they finally get in, I'm dragged out by a STAG soldier or an enemy gang member, making my Homies get out again.
This is particularly bothersome during timed quests, like Live with Killbane; Shaundi won't come up to the heli platform and I cannot leave without her or I will fail the quest automatically. Which means I have to get out, go to her and have her follow me up the ramp.
Can this be remedied? Or is it simply taking this odd behaviour into account and play the pied piper to lure my followers to come with me?