I think I have done everything correct. I think. But for the life of me I cannot get Mikado's Nude mod for SR4 and GPZ's Extended Wardrobe mod to merge. Whenever I try, one or the other mods don't appear in game. I'm using WinMerge and opening the 2 Customization_Items.xtbl files. The one in Mikado's mod(left pane), and the other from GPZ's mod(right pane).....I scroll down the left column of differences and merge any that are highlighted, correct?? And by 'merge'...maybe that is what I am getting 'lost or confused' with....but I'm just taking the highlighted line, say on the left pane and then copying it to the right one.
That's not the way to do it, is it?
And forgive me, I know of tutorials and guides...I'm just not quick at picking up on instructions. I generally have to read them....then 'try things'...read more...try more....then ask and hope for resolution from there. Not asking for anyone to do this...just some guidance please. 
That's not the way to do it, is it?