just stuff

Hi, i want to know what typeface stag uses it is really quite a nice typeface.
also a message to corridas: can you send me the red vtol as a mod because i tried the vehicle customization mod and it doesn't work...
also what kind of car is the N-Forcer based on,
i have another question, Corridas said in response to my question about stag typefaces, that it was all stored as images, is it possible to get the images to build up a stag typeface or to find the images in the game files??
It seems that STAG typeface is similar to GTA2 logo font. I don't know its name, though.
As for in-game images, I highly doubt that every letter made of STAG typeface could be found in files.
i only want the upper case , and yes typeface is the same as font, it won't be that hard, if at all, iv'e done this before just not a whole alphabet.