King King... Decker Style...

This might be stupid, but when I enter my wardrobe where I saved my custom outfits, there are like 20 King styles, and maybe even more Decker King's, maybe, not certainly, but a strong possibility, Its like: Decker king, King Style, Decker king, Decker king, King Style, King Style, Decker king, King Style, Decker king, Decker Style, King King, oh sorry, got confused, but is it like a glitch, because when I delete them they just re-appear the next time I open my wardrobe

Hope this isn't a very hard challenge... King Decker, Style King... Get it?
Oh, and if I'm posting this on the wrong place, please tell me where then...
Oh, thanks, and no, only when you unlock the outfit after the rescue matt/king mission, or when you use the cheat to unlock everything except super upgrades