Less Marauders all up in your grill

A common complaint about the late game is Marauders... you know, those rolling ball things that easily do as much damage as a tank, but are infinitely harder to take out? Yeah, those things. They suck. Or rather, they're a nice high-level enemy that shows up WAY too early and WAY too often.

Now the current method used to fix this was to simply get rid of them entirely, making them only appear during specific quests. The thing is, I'm okay with fighting a challenging enemy. I'm not okay with having to dodge them because I did the SRIV equivalent of littering (which is only a mild amount of murder, but still). Level 3 notoriety is FAR too early for such powerful enemies to show up, but at the same time I still want them to show up lest my game get boring and unchallenging.

This mod alters the notoriety enemy lists so that Marauders are confined only to level 5 notoriety, and will not show up at any other notoriety levels except during specific quests. I've replaced them at level 3 with a turreted Assert carrying 4 Zin, and at Level 4 with more hoverbikes. This does NOT affect the distribution of Murderbots at all (frankly I think they're fine showing up at Level 4), nor the distribution of any other enemies.

This is obviously going to be incompatible with mods like STAG: Back in Action, but then again if you're running that mod you don't have a problem with Marauders. :p

Anyway, installation is basic: download the file, put it in your SRIV folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row IV). That's it.

No photos since it's so relatively simple, though if someone can take a screenshot of their character flipping off a Marauder at Level 3 notoriety I think that would get the message across.


  • notoriety_spawn.xtbl
    80 KB · Views: 890
Challenge complete!


  • SRIV_Marauder_Bird.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 1,529