Less Professor Genki?


Is there a way to reduce the number of appearances by Professor Genki on the streets of Steelport? Like maybe tweaking his spawn probability in some xtbl or something like that?

I don't mind that he does show up occasionally. But it's a bit too much for my taste. If I stand my ground on a survival mission (you know, waves of enemies showing up) and during that time, 2 or 3 Professor Genkis show up and start shooting rockets at me, it's not fun anymore.

I'd rather have him be a rare occurrence where you're happy to see him because you got lucky instead of him being more or less an annoyance.

I searched the web and this site but couldn't find anything.
There is an easy way to reduce the number of appearances for Genki simply by
editing the spawn_info_categories.xtbl file.

Here's how to do it.
Open the spawn_info_categories.xtbl file and find the Group named spawn_Civ_Genki

Then edit the DayChance and the NightChance to the percentage you want.
( for example change the 100 to 10 )
And lower the DayCap and NightCap
( for example change the 32 to 2 )

Below is the default code and the numbers you edit are in red.

<Group_Category>Special Ped</Group_Category>

Do this for all the Genki groups and save the file and put it into the SR3 root folder.


There is also a way to have a city full of friendly Genkis
( well they are friendly unless you insult them or push them and then there are Genki wars lol )
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Thanks for the help!

I extracted the file and edited it as you suggested. A quick test (just driving around the city for a few minutes) seems to indicate that it's working. Longer tests to tune the values properly might be necessary but for now, it seems like what I wanted.

In case anyone else is interested, I attached the edited file to this post.


  • spawn_info_categories.xtbl
    458.4 KB · Views: 637