List of customize textures and in-game names

The attached CSV file contains a list of all textures in "customize_item.vpp_pc" and "customize_player.vpp_pc" along with the attributes for each texture.

The list is in CSV format which can be loaded by any spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc. You can then sort by any column and search for items easily.

The CSV file contains one texture file per row, with the following columns in each row (in order):
1. vpp_pc package file name (contains the str2_pc file)
2. str2_pc package file name (contains the cpeg_pc/cvbm_pc file)
3. cpeg_pc/cvbm_pc package file name (contains the texture file info)
4. texture file name
5. texture file format
6. texture width (pixels)
7. texture height (pixels)
8. has alpha channel (0 = no, 1 = yes)
9. number of MIP maps
10. texture type (if known)
11. English text name (if available)

I made this list to help me answer several questions:
1. Which textures have alpha transparency channels?
2. Which texture files appear in multiple packages? (see Duplicate & Uneditable tattoo textures?)
3. Which textures are associated with which items in the game (by name)

This list was built using a combination of the following tools:
1. ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.ExtractPackfile (to extract the package files)
2. Scanti's documentation on The format of the SR3 texture files
3. ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.ExtractStrings (for the column 11 English text name)
4. My own Perl script to extract the texture information and build the CSV file

[2015-01-18] UPDATE V1.1: Filled in a lot more English text names (column 11). Now has most clothes and tattoo names.
[2015-01-18] UPDATE V1.2: All English text names are now listed, and multiple names are listed where a texture is used for multiple items. This list is now complete.
[2015-02-08] UPDATE V1.3: Added all downloadable content (DLC) customize items. This includes all clothing from downloadable content.

Thanks again to Minimaul and scanti for your excellent tools and documentation!

Please let me know if you find this useful. Any questions, comments or suggestions are welcome.

[2015-05-23] UPDATE: There is now a version of this file for Saints Row: The Third here:


  • sr4_customize_textures_v1.3.csv
    952.5 KB · Views: 1,280
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Just wanted to say, this is *insanely useful* for the work I'm doing at the moment importing clothing into GOOH! :)
Thanks to your good work, it saves time.:cool:
Just wanted to say, this is *insanely useful* for the work I'm doing at the moment importing clothing into GOOH! :)
I'm very happy you find it useful! :) I'm looking forward to trying out your GOOH mods as soon as I find some proper time to play the game.

Since you and other people are finding this useful, I finally decided to take the time to add the downloadable content items to the list. The updated list is in the first post in this topic (version 1.3).

Please let me know if you find any inaccuracies in the list. Again, I used a script to generate the list, so it should be consistent at the very least. :)
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This is very useful, especialy now with the added downloadable content items to the list.:cool:

Would it be possible to add the vehicle decals for cars, aircraft and bikes to the list?:D

This is very useful, especialy now with the added downloadable content items to the list.:cool:
I'm glad you found it useful! :)
Would it be possible to add the vehicle decals for cars, aircraft and bikes to the list?:D
I'm not sure, but I can look into it when I have some time. My schedule's pretty full right now, so I won't be able to look at it right away.
Hi, I have a problem. I can't find one item: Vixen Corset.
Hi, I have a problem. I can't find one item: Vixen Corset.
For some reason, that's listed under "GANG LEATHERTOP" in my file. I'll have to look into it more to figure out exactly why it's not listed. But I think "custmesh_-874867918.str2_pc" is the file you are looking for (in "customize_item.vpp_pc").