Looking for some mods

All of this is possible. The three things you want are Sandbox+ to swap zones back and forth (zombies, bridges, old gang strongholds, Stilwater, etc), Gentlemen of Steelport which includes the ability to customize all vehicles, and the save editor to revert districts back to gang control so they spawn again. The save editor also lets you downgrade.
Gentlemen of Steelport is completely modular. If vehicle customization is the only thing you want, then only select that option and deselect the rest. It will build just those loose files for you. Easy peasy.

Sandbox+ commands only work for the host even if both players have it. So, the host of the game needs it and can process those commands for the other player if he wants to. There's a shortcut that lets you toggle if the commands that you initiate do so for just you, or for both players at once.

Yes, zone changes will be saved in your save file. This should not cause issues though unless you're trying to play specific missions that expect things to be in a certain state. In that case, you may have to switch them back.

That return to stilwater mod you're talking about did the exact same thing that sandbox+ is doing, just without the teleport. i.e. it was still broken with boundary problems. It merely forced the zone to load on start and you could fly there and get around the periphery of the borders. You can still do the same with Sandbox+. Just teleport there which will force the zone to load, then go get a vtol or whatever and fly there. Same thing, more or less.

The sonic boom gun that you get will open any door, like the bdsm club, with a fully charged blast.
Ahh okay. that sounds good, I'll do that.
and I wasn't sure if the sandbox mod unlocked the ability to fly there. Okay. Cool. How do I fly there? I've heard it's south of Kinzie's
so the sonic boom gun is the weapon that opens doors. :)

alright, thanks a lot. will give all this a shot in a little bit

edit: alright I tried getting to Steelport. When using the teleport command it'd dump me in the water quite far out and tell me the saints me in Steelport. I checked the location on the map and grabbed a vtol and headed there. No luck. Still being blocked by a boundary. I tried the teleport command a couple times after but it never made the boundary go away

on another note, the vehicle customization worked great :D

That boundary is not something easily broken, and none of us have found any way to disable it outside of the mission. You might need to look for a youtube video or something for a trick to get past it. Also, that boundary is the exact same as it would be for any other mod that proclaims to let you go there.
one last question.

Does any of the world state toggles get rid of the leftover stag things in Sunset park?

Yes, I'm pretty sure that it's either putting the bridges down, or making STAG inactive that will toggle it.