Mega's Weapon Tweaks

This mod tweaks with the current weapons available.

  • AR-55 is now automatic
  • Stun Gun has been moved to pistol weapon slot
  • All shotguns have a higher ragdoll force shoot
  • SA-3 Airstrike has been moved to explosive weapon slot
  • Reaper Drone has been moved to explosive weapon slot
  • Togo-13 has been moved to special weapon slot, is no longer automatic and has knew sound effects
  • Shark-O-Matic has been moved to special weapon slot
  • Cyber Blaster sounds and effects have been changed and the accuracy has been increased
  • Cyber Buster has been moved to rifle weapon slot and made automatic for complete chaos :D
If you have any suggestions post them in the comment section

(these tweaks are all my own work)

If you do find any bugs or anything that doesn't seem right please let me know!


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what was that awesome katana mod in the video? i want it so bad!
The Nocturne? You get it from either one of the Decker patrols or from Friendly fire after one of the related missions
I Wanted this mod just to make AR-55 full auto.....because well when u have an infinite clip it just seems better than burst
I Wanted this mod just to make AR-55 full auto.....because well when u have an infinite clip it just seems better than burst
Making the AR-55 full auto is incredibly easy. Open your weapons.xtbl with notepad++ and search for 'rifle-ng'. Two lines below your result you will find this '<Trigger_Type>burst</Trigger_Type>' and all you have to do is change burst to automatic. If you want the weapon to fire faster or slower you can also scroll down a bit until you reach <Refire_Delay>*value*</Refire_Delay>. The higher you set the value the slower it fires, if you set it lower, it will fire faster.
Making the AR-55 full auto is incredibly easy. Open your weapons.xtbl with notepad++ and search for 'rifle-ng'. Two lines below your result you will find this '<Trigger_Type>burst</Trigger_Type>' and all you have to do is change burst to automatic. If you want the weapon to fire faster or slower you can also scroll down a bit until you reach <Refire_Delay>*value*</Refire_Delay>. The higher you set the value the slower it fires, if you set it lower, it will fire faster.
so I could make it fire as fast as the minigun?
Sure, the minigun has a refire delay of 50 if you want it to fire that fast.