Merge modded weapons.xtbl and weapon_upgrades.xtbl?

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get a few mods working together. Individually they each work fine, but once I try to merge them with Notepad, the game crashes upon loading. Can anyone either merge these mods for me or give me advice on how to merge them myself?

Mods I tried to merge:
Killshot upgrades:
Shitface's weapons rebalance mod:
Triple shot/incendiary/explosive Gravedigger:

Sorry if this is against board rules, but I didn't find anything saying that it is.
Are you using Winmerge?
You can reformat them by using a Notepad++ plugin called "XML Tools" ("pretty print with line breaks" in the menu). Once all of the files have been reformatted, they should be more easily comparable.
Thanks, I'll try that.

EDIT: While it makes it a lot easier to find what I need in the files, for whatever reason I can't find the differences I need between Shitface's rebalance file and the Triple-shot Gravedigger file. Also, I tried adding the Killshot upgrades to Shitface's weapon_upgrades.xtbl after reformatting, and tried several placements; the game still crashes every time.

EDIT2: Just adding a flag to the weapons.xtbl file from Shitface's rebalance mod makes the game crash. What the hell?