MOD REQUEST: Magic Rollerblades!

I'm just going to throw this in here to see how many people would like to have these too.

I was heartbroken when I found out that those fantastic highspeed rollerblades the Deckers Specialists use are not available to the player, as I would give up any other type of transport (even Spectre hoverbike!) just to be able to cruise around Steelport with those fast as hell magic rollerblades :D .

I noticed that the GoS TO DO list has this item: "Player rollerblading teleporting (Decker Specialist anims for player.)", I don't know if that means that you'll be working in this idea, but if not, then I make this thread to request just that.

I also already have quite a few friends that want to make Ramona and use those rollerblades :lol: .

I hope this will be possible. Cheers to the modding crew.
I just wanted to confirm if that means that IN and crew are going to work out on the rollerblades for the player, and if not, maybe put it out there so it's considered. Your answer is kind of vague and doesn't tell me if you actually read my post or not :( .
Croco said:
I just wanted to confirm if that means that IN and crew are going to work out on the rollerblades for the player, and if not, maybe put it out there so it's considered. Your answer is kind of vague and doesn't tell me if you actually read my post or not :( .

I'm not on the modding team but, he just said that... if it's on the to-do list for Gentlemen of Steelport (which it is), then wait and see if they can figure it out.

tl;dr wait.

It is something on the To Do list, but it's good we have a formal request thread that everyone can see and possibly work on. Other modders shouldn't wait for me to get started on it if they want to jump in!
This is the top of my list of what I would like to do in game, and also something that I think is weird that they did not already put in as they basically give you a similar power for a bit while you are fighting the Decker boss; so I mean that there should be coding available to give that ability to you outside of that fight, such as when you are wearing the rollerblades.