Mod Request: More Helicopter/Plane Phone Options

1. Would be nice to add all of the Heli's and Planes into the phone (like the vehicles) instead of just the Tornado and Vtol. Anyone know what file this might be located in?

2. Also would like to use my own customized planes/heli's instead of the default ones.
The VTOL and Heli homie are just regular ol' homies in the homies.xtbl file that are set to drive up in those specific vehicles. Every homie has a defined vehicle. You can set Pierce to arrive in a Vulture if you want to. They can't use your garage vehicles, but they can use any vehicle in the game. The only thing is that they're not so good at landing. The VTOL is okay, but try a Condor, Specter, or one of the two other VTOLs (cutscene style and... i don't remember what the other is) and they bail out before they touch the ground, automatically destroying the vehicle. But you can land it with an RC Possessor.
Thanks for pointing me to the homie.xtbl file, was at least able to add all of the Saints variants for the Tank, VTOL, and Heli.

Seems like if the delivery call can have them show up in a garaged car it should be able to work for planes/heli's

Do you also think it might be possible to use a similar code for the vehicle selection and replace the VTOL and TORNADO homies with it instead?

            <Flag>player selects vehicle</Flag>
            <Flag>turn to ped after driveup</Flag>
            <Flag>requires saints</Flag>
Doesn't the heliport and Airport have a separate containment system like the garage?
I use Turks mod to customize my heli's, so they have to be stored somewhere in order for the changes to keep.
I'll look into it a bit and see what I can come up with. ;)
Yes and no; they show up in the heli garage only because their type is heli. They're all stored in the same data structure in the game save.

But my point is that the homies aren't bringing vehicles from your garage/heliport/dock. They're spawning brand new vehicles. The garage is completely irrelevant to them.
Corrodias, do you know if there are different flags that distinguish the vehicles apart from each other?

If all vehicles I own are in my garage (I used your garage editor and they are), then what makes this flag only pull cars?

<Flag>player selects vehicle</Flag>

Do you know what the code is that would only list helicopters or planes?
Oh. I did not realize that flag did that. You have bested me! :)

That's a good question. I don't know what controls it, although i suspect it's hardcoded to list only cars in the engine. I once tried to change that, but the cell phone code just gets the list from the engine, and then tells the engine which one you selected by index. It can't change what the options are. But, i may be misremembering something else, because i can't remember right now -where- that code is.

edit: Right, here it is, in the cell_phone.lua file, under the heading "-- GARAGE".
It makes an internal function call (the kind of code we can't change) to cell_phone_pad_populate. When you make a choice, then, it just calls another internal function, cellphone_choose_vehicle(, with being the ID of the vehicle in the list returned by the first function.

Maybe i'll play with it a little more. I want to see what ID's it's using, and whether they can be altered. I don't remember what happened last time i played with it. But, even if they could be altered, it'd be another trick entirely to change the list displayed in the phone.
Ya, this is giving me a bit of a headache. :mad:

Do you know if I can export my garaged variants for the VTOL and Tank using your tool to overwrite the stock files? That would give me my custom colors on the vehicles that I added to the homies.xtbl file?
That at least would satisfy me for a little while. :)
I'm not sure how relevant this is, but in SR2 that vehicle delivery flag would dynamically list the vehicle type depending on where you physically were in the world. i.e. If you were in the water then it would list only boats to be delivered and if you were on land it would list only cars.