Mod to increase kinds of vehicles and/or vehicle density?

Any way to add/import vehicles from SR IV or SRTT, and or increase the amount of traffic? I get that it's hell and there aren't that many souls that can afford a car, but I feel like more vehicle options would be fun, and having busier streets would be more fun as well. It gets kinda boring seeing the same 5 or 6 vehicles every time.

While I'm asking, can there be a mod to make the Comets "normal" (as in, not always on fire)? And the tanks not so fragile? I feel like in SR TT, the tanks were almost indestructible, but in GooH they're made out of paper. I do the hardcore Tank Mayhem, get hit with a cannon shot two seconds in, and I'm already on fire.

Anyway, thanks for all you do!
I've actually looked into importing vehicles and it's not easy. The cvtf file format changed from SRIV to SRGOOH - it looks like a lot of the data types grew to 64-bit. I'm working on this though!
Please import Status Quo from gooh to IV. I was trying to replace that limo with other vehicle but it doesn't work.