Mod to reset/replay Virus Injection and Hotspots?

I enjoyed running into the Virus Injection and Hotspots, especially the Virus Injection with 101 Genkis. They of course became progressively easier as I advanced through the game. Is there a practical known way to mod these to replayable so more carnage can spill over into the streets? I've searched and haven't found a match thus far. :D
I enjoyed running into the Virus Injection and Hotspots, especially the Virus Injection with 101 Genkis. They of course became progressively easier as I advanced through the game. Is there a practical known way to mod these to replayable so more carnage can spill over into the streets? I've searched and haven't found a match thus far. :D

Admins should probably move this lol.

You should probably use a bit of common sense. I mean come on, it's obvious - the mod requests page is for, you know, mod requests. Please use the search function to see if your question/extremely similar question has already been asked (searching for the word, "hotspot" reveals that it has).
Moving to Mod Requests subforum.
Sorry about that — that was a misread, I have every subforum open in a tab. I enjoy reading all the insights here!

@GM1111001 (I like how this board autocompletes @'s!), I now see

It was not coming up when I searched earlier, can't reproduce it now.

Well then all is forgiven XD

I would love to see reset hotspots/flashpoints/virus injections. I think overall , SR4 was a little bit shorter than the third. Lol, I can't get enough of Saints Row, I'm currently playing through the second game and it's a blast! But I'll stop talking about that now and try to stay on topic.