Modified Tow Truck Missions

The single player tow truck missions were the bane of my existance back in my PS3 days.
Try as I might I could not beat them. Looking online I realized that I was not the only
one who felt that way either. So I looked and looked for some kind of a solution and finally
found a successful one in a thread on gamefaqs called 'Tow Truck Mission Single Player Pass
Walkthrough: Warning Long Read' courtesy of TheFitnessGuy.

His solution, while succesful most of the time was still more than a little unacceptable
to me simply because no matter how I tried to I couldn't seem to stop gaining notoriety
and there was always someone trying to blow up my tow truck or the target vehicle.

So I sat down one day in front of my PC and asked myself what I could do about it.
This modification is what I came up with.

This mod removes almost all of the challenge from the towing missions simply because I
hate doing them and want to finish them as soon and as painlessly as possible.

What I Changed

I shortened the distance between the pick up and drop off points. It is the same in
the first few levels but by level 6 it is drastically shortened.

I Reduced the notoriety

I also took the opportunity to change a few of the vehicles that you tow.

I changed the distance that way if your truck does get destroyed then it wont take as
long to get back up to where you were.

I Reduced the notoriety so that I could get the vehicle and get away without getting my
tow truck or the vehicle blown up and without starting a war with either the owners or
the police.

I changed three of the towed vehicles that way I could get vehicles like the Mag that I need
for the chop shop activity more easily.

A Quick Heads Up: In the Easycruiser mod Supernull has made a modification to the Tow truck's
vehicle flle that makes it much more durable. I have not included it in this mod because it's
not my work and I have not asked permission but if you wanted to add it yourself the name of the
file is 'truck_2dr_tow01_veh.xtbl'.

As an added bonus I modified the tow truck so that all the tow trucks in the game have
reinforced frames, tire durability, reinforced bumpers and torque.

Adding Options To The Tow Truck Yourself

Open up truck_2dr_tow01.xtbl and find the following text

<Slot>Tire Durability</Slot>
<Slot>Reinforced Frame</Slot>
<Slot>Reinforced Bumper</Slot>

And change it to the following

<Component>Option 1</Component>
<Slot>Tire Durability</Slot>
<Component>Option 1</Component>
<Slot>Reinforced Frame</Slot>
<Component>Option 1</Component>
<Slot>Reinforced Bumper</Slot>
<Component>Option 1</Component>

Save the code and crunch the following files.


There is a post by Masamaru in Saints Row 2 Tool Releases on using the cvtf cruncher.

Once you have crunchedd the files put the resulting cvtf file 'truck_2dr_tow01.cvtf' in your mods folder along with the tow truck mission mod
'tow_truck.xtbl' if you choose to use it then just recompile.

How To Alter The Tow Truck Missions

For this we need to edit tow_truck.xtbl

This is the coding for the first level, we'll use it as a template.

Unmodded Code


Modded Code

List of changed vehicles

Level 1 is now a Mag
Level 2 is now a Justice
Level 3 is now an Alaskan

I think the restof the vehicles are the same.


  • Tow Truck
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