More texture modding

Where, in the tens of thousands of files within SRTT, are the textures for the vehicles? All I have been able to find so far are the gang roof decals. I've had some success modifying clothing textures, but the vehicles remain elusive. All I want to do is make some custom licence plates. I can't even figure out where my garage cars are, to do just those. Is this something I have to wait for the SDK for? Or do I have to resign myself to the creative photoshopping of pictures?

Edit: If this is not in the right place for this question, please send it where it needs to go. Thx.
Each car has a streaming file (.str2_pc) in misc_tables.vpp_pc that has all their components inside of it, including decal textures. You can use this thread to match the streaming file name to the in-game text name of the car:
Thank you for this info. After wading through the gobbledygook that is an .xtbl file, I have determined that license plates are randomly generated from 10 prefixes and 11 suffixes. So my custom plates would have the chance to appear randomly on any vehicle in Steelport... might be easier just to photoshop them :). Anyways, thanks again.
The file name is... ?

Not sure what you are asking, so I will tell you what I have discovered:

- Inside the unpacked misc_tables.vpp_pc are (3).xtbl files for each vehicle. In this case, I was using car_4dr_luxury06 (Infuego)
- The one without the _cust or _veh suffix contains (2) entries:
<Name>Licence Plate Letters</Name> and <Name>Licence Plate Numbers</Name>
- Each Letters entry has possible prefixes ("JMM") with weight (4% chance in this case)
- Each Numbers entry has possible suffixes ("5610") with weight (10% chance in this case)
- Odds are greater that you will have a plate with SR3 prefix (68% chance)
- All weights for each category add up to 100 (obviously)
- I placed the .xtbl file loose in the root dir and ran the game

(Note: I changed <ParkingSpawn>0</ParkingSpawn> in car_4dr_luxury06_veh.xtbl to 1 and now the car can be found randomly parked on the side of the road. Placing that file loosely in the root worked, so I thought others might as well.)

After chasing down several Infuegos, I found my changes made no difference. If all entries for all cars have to be changed, that is more work than I am willing to do.

I'll just Photoshop custom plates on my screenshots...

Hope this helps...
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