More variety in Backup and Street Homies?

well you've chosen your 4 favorite homies and all's well 'n good...except it makes your internationally known, world spanning gang look like it consists of a handful of people lol. it's fine to have your cribs spawn only the 4 chosen so you can get them at any time, but it'd be great if the homies that come for backup (and are called) and the ones that spawn on the streets, could have a smattering of the unused gang members also. a mix of the 4 chosen and the unused would be nice. a larger percentage of the unused. or just some sort of variety that mixes in all those unused homies. like maybe the 4 chosen are the ones that come for backup, and a mix of both spawn on the streets. something like that.

is this possible? also be nice to have either 2 or 4 more homies show up when backup is called. 2 cars worth.