SRIV Morphing command crashing the game? (Sandbox+)

Hi, I was wondering if someone managed to understand why using the following command to morph into a npc in the sr3_city lua file for Sandbox+ makes the game crash for most of the npcs?

player_change_preset(LOCAL_PLAYER, "npc_name")

I know this command has been designed as a way to check the integrity of an npc in-game and nothing else but what I don't get is why does it only work with some npcs?

At first my assumption was it was only related to the sim_pc file present for most of the characters and responsible for the clothes being animated in-game. But now I'm just wondering if the game crashes only because some rigs aren't compatible with the morphing?
Unless it's a camera-related issue? I'm pretty sure several times I glimpsed the morphing beginning to take place just before the game crashes.

I would really appreciate it if you could shed some light on this mystery :)
Do you have an example of on that crashes or a dump file?
Well for example using the command with npc_shaundi or npc_kinzie makes the game crash. Funnily enough using the leftover saints_fenale_shaundidptest works like a charm

I used this exact command:

elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_RIGHT) and not EIGHT_PUSHED then
                player_change_preset(LOCAL_PLAYER, "npc_shaundi")
                sandboxplus_message(" NPC morph")
                EIGHT_PUSHED = true
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This command was broken yet when it has been added to the game. IdolNinja said that it would be fixed but nothing changed ever since.

Actually if I remember correctly he said the command used to work when used without sandbox+ or with early versions
Actually if I remember correctly he said the command used to work when used without sandbox+ or with early versions
He did say that it used to work in early version of the patch but still, who gives a damn if it doesn't work in the final release and it's broken since 2014?