Muscle Lines

Is there a way to prevent your character's face from morphing when adjusting Build? I just really dislike all the extra lines it creates so I was curious if there was any way to edit any of the files to prevent it? For example I'd rather my character's face look like the right side of the pic than the left side.



  • SR4M.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 748
You'd have to edit the normal maps for the character.
Extract the files from customize_player.vpp_pc and the normal maps for males are contained within the "Male <Race>.str2_pc" files. (Ex: "Male Asian.str2_pc")

Once you edit them, you'll also need to repack the ASM_PC file associated with that archive.

If you're not sure how to do that, then you may want to make a post in the Mod Request forum, perhaps someone can do it for you.
Thanks, I managed to unpack the files but I'm having a hard time figuring/finding out how to edit the files like what program(s) to use, etc.

EDIT: I found out how to edit the files, but now I can't repack the DDS texture.

Not really sure how it's gonna look. I just cut out the Ideal Male face and pasted it over the Muscle face.

EDIT 2: Attached file that replaces the muscle Texture with the Ideal texture, ie the deafult texture.


  • m_muscular_n.rar
    455.2 KB · Views: 437
  • OUTPUT.rar
    1.2 MB · Views: 478
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