my mod experiance so far

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As I try different mods and explore there awesomeness I'd like to praise the following:

IdolNinja - Genttlemen of Steelport - awesome
IdolNinja - Sandbox Plus - awesome
JediDave - Tattoo Mods - nicely done
Cynical_Mass - Bloodshed Mod - nicely done
Gameqube - Ultor Costume Mod - Looks cool
50PercentJoe - Joe Taticools Weapons - looks nice
Braincore02 - Porno and Murder - nicely done

and finally to other modders i didnt mention awesome and keep making this site amazing

PS: List yuor favorite mods and why
Ha! I rated two awesomes!

(pssst here's your $5, pwdragon69)

Yeah, but you "keep making this site amazing" along with all the other losers modders that weren't mentioned. That's like a consolation prize, right? Cheer up!
I think also Hatsune Miku should be mentioned. A new Enemy in Town is great (at least in my opinion ;)).
And yeah, Shitface's NPC Behaviour and Weapon Re-Balance are excellent. :D

All joking aside, that's the problem with these kinds of threads. We had a similar issue with that old Top 5 Mods thread. It just ends up with hurt feelings and sad emoticons when people don't get mentioned.

Locking thread.
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