Maybe this has been mentioned before, maybe it hasn't. But when the Thank You pack was released today, it just started to really start to annoy me that so many of the outfits in the game remove the seductress collar, or the belt collar, or any of the other necklaces. Personally, I think one of the flaws in SR3 and SR4 is that the females have turkey necks, so the collars are pretty much an essential when it comes to the characters I create because I feel the seductress collar and belt collar reduce the turkey neck look. But sadly, many of the cool outfits in the game, such as one of the new ones from the thank you pack, a few of the hero costumes, the Aisha costume, and many others remove them. So I was wondering if it would be an easy fix or would require those modding tools Volition claimed they would release one day.