ok, im only gonna bump once, but i've been up all nite trying to figure this out, & looking up lua in general & trying to learn but the technical side of stuff is over my head, i'm good with the logic & problem solving, but i see many references for other games & examples & all sorts of things that seemingly can report back the camera position, & im looking at cutscene tables that have them listed, & one website refers the the 6 values that i would expect to get just doing some "query for local camera position," i just dont know what to do....
i truly dont know anything about programming, thats why my def dist was sloppy, i didn't even know it was, i was just copying & pasting in notepad til it worked right.... but if lua is a language & it has language based functions, shouldnt something like these work (that i just copied from a site on my desperate googling of lua & this would be for getting camera location, & angles..... they compare it to C++ :
if you know c/c++ most functions,syntax is very similar.. and or can easily be converted to lua syntax.. the 3d functions used within luaplayer already resemble that of c/c++..opengl etc..
example C++ .. ((parameters used .. (camera) .. position x,y,z ..view x,y,z..up-vector..x,y,z..))
gluLookAt(Camera.x, Camera.y, Camera.z, View.x, View.y, View.z,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
...converted to lua syntax..
Gum.lookAt(camera.x, camera.y, camera.z, camera.view_x, camera.view_y, camera.view_z,0.0,1.0,0.0 )
or C++...
Camera.x += ((View.x + Heading.x * - 6) - Camera.x) / 3;
Camera.y += ((View.y + Heading.y * - 6 + 2) - Camera.y) / 3;
Camera.z += ((View.z + Heading.z * - 6) - Camera.z) / 3;
...converted to lua syntax..
camera.x = camera.x + ((camera.view_x + camera.heading_x * - 6) - camera.x) / 3
camera.y = camera.y + ((camera.view_y + camera.heading_y * - 6 + 2) - camera.y) / 3
camera.z = camera.z + ((camera.view_z + camera.heading_z * - 6) - camera.z) / 3
i also found the following in the srtt gamelibs thing, it sounds like a way to direct the camera to a very specific coordiante, which is exactly what i need. .... see below :
-- Moves the camera from its current position and orientation to the specified navpoint's position and orientation.
-- navpoint_name: (string) navpoint to look through
-- duration: (float, optional) duration of movement, in seconds; if set to 0, camera will instantly jump to the end position and orientation (defaults to 0)
-- yield: (boolean, optional) set to true to block until the camera movement is complete (defaults to false)
-- hide_hud: (boolean, option) set to false to not disable the hud when using this camera (defaults to true)
-- NB: the camera will not return to its default behavior unless a camera_end_script() action is issued. If the camera script finishes execution before the
-- camera_end_script() action is issued, the camera will hold the last position of the camera script.
-- Example:
-- camera_look_through("$npc000", 5.0, true)
-- camera_end_script()
-- Move the camera over a period of five seconds so that it is looking through navpoint "$npc000".
function camera_look_through(navp, duration, yield, hide_hud)
camera_look_through_do(navp, duration, hide_hud)
if (yield) then
while (not(camera_script_is_finished())) do
im sorry if this is a bother, i dont know if its cuz its such a niche question or if its really undoable, that no one seems to know, but just some direction would be helpful, if u know what i need to look at, or something.... i know u guys have big priorities, but this one i have to believe ACTUALLY HAS to be simple.... also, idol, really digging the fire & elec grenade effects, I didnt get to play with those til today, they give a nice little, not quite the raiden thing, but hey, it actually looks like my MC is just barely outrunning explosions & i was getting a kick out of electrecuting everyone i ran by.... sort of a "homebrewed saints flow cocktail....," good stuff. i like.
EDIT : put the coded parts of the post in code tags becuz then miraculously people will actually assist me for this apparently mind numbingly difficult quandry
(lol just joking. should have known it was just Those tags i needed to use for that. but still seriously looking for an answer with this.... so i've been going thru so many things i dont understand knowing that im looking right at the answer.... for example, becuz my goal was to use the clip editor here although it would still be an accomplishment without, im looking in cinema_clip_editor.lua, im seeing 'functions' for callbacks to get the info i need, i just dont know how to "GET" that info to display. all i want to do is basically have the same camera zone saved or locked , with numbers, or a file, or whatever, the numbers are perfect, so here's a piece of misc code that may or may not be relevant. im sorry, im getting discouraged here & just want to get back to puttin the alt times in idols SB+, but im stuck on this....
function cinema_clip_editor_cb_prop_export_lock(click_button, dir)
local direction = dir or 0
local zone = cinema_clip_editor_zone_get_current()
zone.export_lock = CCE_dialogs[DLG_PROP].buttons[BTN_PROP_EXPORT_LOCK].button:get_option_index() - 1
vint_dataresponder_post("camera_zone_dr", "set_export_lock", zone.UID, zone.export_lock)
its just the "get current zone" part im interested in, & this probably isnt the best example of that function in the lua but i its the one i was pondering at as i make my way down the page, lol.... its referring to the export lock stuff here, but the thing is getting that info, somewhere, i would think there would just be a "display local position & orientation" type of thing, becuz thats ALL i need. but anyways, now its in code tags, sorry about that, lol.