"Neon effect" on clothing and vehicle paint.

I request, that someone make a Neon Painting mod, that enables the neon lightning from the Deckers clothes and cars, to be applied to non-deckers clothes and cars. I don't know how someone could pull this off or anything, but I like it when clothes shine a bit, it looks funky.

Thanks for reading, and goodnight!
one of the things I've wanted ingame...
I guess it's something in the textures, but big chance I could be wrong...
quite new here...
Been digging into the files more, and...
It's impossible to do that since the color changes for the decker suits are just the glowing lines (in green) and the rest has the colors you see ingame... the other clothes has red green and blue... coloring system, that means green is color 1, blue is color 2 and red is color 3 (if it's the right order).