I recently added a bunch of mods, and after getting on to play tonight this happened in the pictures. Can any one pinpoint which mod cause this?
Mods installed:
Easier Activity Goals
Additional Cheats
HtSSC Easier activity goals
Extra clothing colors and extra makeup colors
NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod
Ship TOD controls unlock early
Reasonable Body Slider Mod
ComradeJK's Anatomically Correct Female Textures
billboard mod - sexy girls and titties
I think that is all of them. How do I fix? Would I have to reinstall the game? If so where are my save files so I can pull them, and put them in the freshly installed game?
Thanks for the help, and sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot.
Mods installed:
Easier Activity Goals
Additional Cheats
HtSSC Easier activity goals
Extra clothing colors and extra makeup colors
NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod
Ship TOD controls unlock early
Reasonable Body Slider Mod
ComradeJK's Anatomically Correct Female Textures
billboard mod - sexy girls and titties
I think that is all of them. How do I fix? Would I have to reinstall the game? If so where are my save files so I can pull them, and put them in the freshly installed game?
Thanks for the help, and sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot.