NPC Animations for MC

So I was wondering if there was any way to change the player's animations to a gang member's or something like that. I've always hated how the male player character always holds his weapons at his side, as if he didn't have a proper standing animation while holding them. Also I love the way gang members run with pistols, and it'd be nice to do the same.

Is there any way to change the player animations?

I don't care if it's the whole set or individual ones, just as long as it can be done somehow.
I took a look at that a couple of months ago. Any table file edits I did weren't reflected in-game. It's likely that the animation data is compiled into a binary format somewhere, or is part of the exe itself. The bottom line is that it's probably not something that could happen now with our limited toolset.
I believe i had some success choosing a different animation set for the player. What follows here is speculation based on what i saw, but i don't really know anything about animation, so take my words with salt and whatnot.

When you assign a rig, you also choose what i think is an animation set. That's what the second arguments, "PLYM" in the case of the Cyrus mission, are. I don't know how compatible they all are with the player rigs, though.
I replaced the animation set in that customization rig thing with both the male and female gang anim sets, and they mostly worked, but there weren't any sprint, walk, or aim animations, and shooting didn't work properly.
Is there be any way to get the rest of the animations to work? I know you guys seem to know more about how these things work together, I'm just wondering if there needs to be some extra function or whatever to make this smoother.

Thanks for the replies!
That's the extent of my knowledge. I haven't experimented much with the animation sets. They may be more compatible with NPC rigs, which you can assign to the player (after packing it into preload_rigs.vpp), but you're more likely to wind up simply missing body parts. I've struggled with this, trying to replace the player's model with an NPC, but replacing the Cyrus disguise clothing parts with NPC models and then replacing the rig with the NPC's rig usually ended me up with a result like this:
That's pretty interesting. In SR2, "PLYM" was the generic npc animation set with a very limited number of animations. GML1 was the main player animation set that had a ton more animations defined. There was GFL1 too for females, but there was a vanilla problem where female characters would only initially have base female anims from that set and then swap over to the male ones from GML1 for some weird reason.
In SR3, both instances of wearing a disguise (mission 1's Gat outfit and the Cyrus disguise) are male, and it assigns "PLYM" for the animations. But, now that i think about it, i'm not actually certain that that's the real male player rig. I noticed while experimenting with escaping mission 1's Stilwater that the running animation in the Gat outfit was a little... odd. However, i am not certain whether i had told it to still load the correct rig or not. Either way, it may or may not be the normal male animation set. I'm at work right now, so i can't check.