Nytefall - Dialogue plays in wrong order

During Matt Miller's loyalty mission, Nytefall,the dialogue where he discusses making creating the simulation for Asha with the Boss plays in the wrong order. With the full dialogue it's pretty obvious the second half of the conversation is played before the first half.

Currently the dialogue goes something like this.

Part 1- Boss: So why did Asha reject the simulation? blablabla

Part 2- Boss: So this is how you spend your time?
Matt: I made this training simulation (amongst others) for Asha, but she rejected it. etc.

It should be the other way around.
How was your character "configured?" i.e. Voice/Sex combination

Were you Male w/Male voice, Female w/Female voice, etc. and what specific voice were you using?
I was using a female character with female voice 1.

I noticed the odd dialogue on my first run through the game (male character, cockney voice), but forgot about it until I encountered it again this weekend.
At one point, I had a nitpicky bug note about this but when I read through the full mission script I figured out it was just redundant, not out of order. This conversation plays on the way to the casino:
PWF: Is this how you've been using your time since I freed you?
Matt: It's based on a training simulation that Asha rejected.
PWF: And how many of these did she ask you to build?
Matt: I don't know. A dozen.​
Etc, etc.

There's a considerable amount of time and combat between that and the Nyteblayde chase, and this is an otherwise forgettable line considering the amount of gushy fan fiction in between.
Oh, then it doesn't matter I suppose. I saved the loyalty missions for last (on both occasions) so I blazed through them. It just sounded really weird to me, as if it were two disjointed parts of the same conversation.