I am at my wit's end. I have pulled out all remaining hair so I now look like my avatar. I'm not new to the command line or batch files; been dabbling since the early '90's with that stuff. All I am trying to do is retexture a shirt (any shirt) with a self promoting image on it, and am falling flat.
Here's the scoop:
1. Tools are in root of O:\ (external HD)
2. Extracted all game files using Minimaul's updated rev 96 tools; went to customize_item.vpp_pc, copied custmesh_1654153557f.str2_pc to O:\WIP directory; .net 4 is up-to-date
3. Copied cpeg and gpeg files to Scanti's utilities, extracted files, modified dds file, repacked files.
4. Removed extension from FOLDER to now read "custmesh_1654153557f"
5. Ran packstr2 and now have a FILE with the name custmesh_1654153557f_PACKED.str2_pc
6. Removed "_PACKED" from file name.
7. Copied customize_item.asm_pc from extracted game files to O:\WIP
8. Running UpdateASM and have this problem: [output_file] should be O:\wip\customize_item.asm_pc, but what do I put as [asm_file containers_dir]? The DIRECTORY or the FILE? I have tried both, and get an "updated" asm file with the current time and date.
9. Copied the FILE and the asm to the game folder- clothing disappeared. Copied the FOLDER and the asm, original texture shows. Do I need to put all three in the game folder?
As a side note - I am using Scanti's "Mod file directory redirector" to put my mods in \Mods. Would this have any bearing on results?
Another note - I followed Fl1ppy's Youtube tutorial to do the same thing in SRIV and had success with it:
EDIT: I followed Konrann's tutorial for SRIV as well, and it worked, as well. Just having difficulty with SRTT...
I am using the redirector over there, too.
Anybody have any insight into what step I am missing?
Final Edit: Problem solved. I learned one thing from the forums - use the tools in GoS. They work. I was using the other tools and they weren't working. I also learned on my own, to make sure there are so SPACES in your path folder names. Though the command line is only pseudo-DOS, it still behaves the same way and occasionally chokes on spaces.
Here's the scoop:
1. Tools are in root of O:\ (external HD)
2. Extracted all game files using Minimaul's updated rev 96 tools; went to customize_item.vpp_pc, copied custmesh_1654153557f.str2_pc to O:\WIP directory; .net 4 is up-to-date
3. Copied cpeg and gpeg files to Scanti's utilities, extracted files, modified dds file, repacked files.
4. Removed extension from FOLDER to now read "custmesh_1654153557f"
5. Ran packstr2 and now have a FILE with the name custmesh_1654153557f_PACKED.str2_pc
6. Removed "_PACKED" from file name.
7. Copied customize_item.asm_pc from extracted game files to O:\WIP
8. Running UpdateASM and have this problem: [output_file] should be O:\wip\customize_item.asm_pc, but what do I put as [asm_file containers_dir]? The DIRECTORY or the FILE? I have tried both, and get an "updated" asm file with the current time and date.
9. Copied the FILE and the asm to the game folder- clothing disappeared. Copied the FOLDER and the asm, original texture shows. Do I need to put all three in the game folder?
As a side note - I am using Scanti's "Mod file directory redirector" to put my mods in \Mods. Would this have any bearing on results?
Another note - I followed Fl1ppy's Youtube tutorial to do the same thing in SRIV and had success with it:
EDIT: I followed Konrann's tutorial for SRIV as well, and it worked, as well. Just having difficulty with SRTT...
I am using the redirector over there, too.
Anybody have any insight into what step I am missing?
Final Edit: Problem solved. I learned one thing from the forums - use the tools in GoS. They work. I was using the other tools and they weren't working. I also learned on my own, to make sure there are so SPACES in your path folder names. Though the command line is only pseudo-DOS, it still behaves the same way and occasionally chokes on spaces.
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