One Hit Kill Takedown Mod?

Hi, I'm new here. I'm no stranger to modding, I have a good amount of experience with HPL/Source. I'm looking at getting into modding for SRTT but thought I may wait until mod tools. So.. besides this short little introduction.. I have a request.

Mainly what I'm looking for is making the takedowns always kill. The ones where While you're running and you right click it goes into a badass animation that shows off how much ass you can kick. I love the animations. I'm not sure If I'm the only one, but I feel like it's a buzzkill when I do a take down, and then have to shoot them while they're on the floor. Kind of feels bleh to me. Honestly my only gripe with the game so I thought I would see if it can be changed through modding.. Thanks for reading, any replies would be greatly appreciated. If You do not feel like making it yourself, point me in the right direction and I shall continue on my way. Thanks.
I don't know the answer offhand, but I like the suggestion. That always bothered me as well.
"Melee.xtbl" search for "Sprint Attack " A-to-E and "Sprint Attack Back" A-to-E too. Edit "Player Damage"-(increasing them) for each, located under "DefaultDamage" tab.

Well, that's what I did anyway. :D
Included sample file for said request/change. Enjoy. ;)

