Permanent 'over the shoulder' view / Resident evil mode

I know absolutely nothing about modding so I have no idea what is possible or not. I'll keep it simple until I can figure out what is and isn't possible and then re-work the idea around what we can do.

When you right click you zoom in (Over the shoulder view). I was wondering if there was a way to permanently toggle this on even when doing things like jumping over fences? The reason is I wanted to re-create something like Resident Evil.

More details on the idea in general here:

Although the ultimate goal would be something like this:

  • Replaces Whored Mode or a selectable option/mission/something in-game
  • A introductory cutscene (using recorded game footage) maybe with subtitles and such
  • Permanent Over the shoulder view (Either stays like that even when you climb over objects or unzooms, jumps over and then rezooms without having to manually un/re-zoom
  • Certain weapons enabled/disabled
  • Unlimited Pistol ammo, other enabled weapons limited
  • "Ammo caches" hidden around the island/map to resupply on limited ammo
  • Rare (and random) STAG zombies which drop ammo and Brute Zombies which may appear at Ammo caches or randomly
  • Objectives (Escort X, Defend Y, Kill Z)
  • Co-op
  • Random events (A temp SWAT team arrives via helicopter, Zombies swarm in large numbers)
Here's something for you to start with camera-wise. Drop it into SRTT's root folder.
The "exterior close" and "interior close" submodes were edited - you can probably figure out the rest (just open it with Notepad).
I'd do something more, but it made me physically sick way too quickly. RE is just not my thing.



Here's something for you to start with camera-wise. Drop it into SRTT's root folder.
The "exterior close" and "interior close" submodes were edited - you can probably figure out the rest (just open it with Notepad).
I'd do something more, but it made me physically sick way too quickly. RE is just not my thing.

That works great thank you.

I'd definitely appreciate opinions from mod authors on what part of the ideas are or aren't possible.

I'll probably have to find a guide on how to mod or whatever but is there a way to toggle on walk and have it stay like that? After I toggle on walk, if I jump over a fence, right click to aim down sights or press the quick melee button it makes the character go back to normal running speed.
One way to force walk would be to replace animations in "PLYM" and "PLYF" tables. Maybe. There are literally dozens of run animations for different weapons etc. And it'll probably b0rk animation transitions.
Alternatively, you can reduce run speed in "tweak_tables" - "player run speed" entry defines how fast you actually move. It's 5 by default, and reducing it to 3.5 gives a sort of a walking speed, but with running animations.
One way to force walk would be to replace animations in "PLYM" and "PLYF" tables. Maybe. There are literally dozens of run animations for different weapons etc. And it'll probably b0rk animation transitions.
Alternatively, you can reduce run speed in "tweak_tables" - "player run speed" entry defines how fast you actually move. It's 5 by default, and reducing it to 3.5 gives a sort of a walking speed, but with running animations.

Instead of a permanent walk (for reasons you've stated) could we change it so (after we've pressed the assigned button for toggle walk) when something is done such as zooming in or jumping over an object the character walks instead of going back to running and breaking the walk toggle? I'm sure it won't be a hassle if people have to toggle walk on just the once (and would let them get to the island faster).