Player flinches

Hello modders,

As all of you have noticed, when the player takes fire from a small fire arm, he doesn't flinch. But when he gets shot by a sniper rifle, he will do a flinching animation.

I would like to enable flinching for all firearms, but have not yet found how to do this. I already looked in the tweak_table.xtbl and the weapons.xtbl. Perhaps flinching only occurs when the player receives a large amount of damage at the same time?

Ah I understand. Well, I might do the thing with giving the shotgun the sniper anims or whatever it was as a test, but this thread was more out of curiousity so I will let it be. Besides, after increasing weapon damage done to the player, a shotgun now can kill me in one shot if closer then 5-10 metres, even at full health, so it wouldn't really have a point anyways :p