Police Mod

Is it possible to make it where you are able to play as the police. I know that you can get a costume and car, but I mean to really play as the police. Being able to do traffic stops, taking someone to jail, drug busts, and other police activities. So I am thinking something along the lines of removing the actual police or making them on your side so they wont try and kill you. Same things with the gangs. And maybe making the city way more active, which has been done before. I know a lot of things that I have mentioned can already happen. I just would like someone to take this into consideration so that people like me can roleplay as the cops and not get shot by the real ones during the process. Just overall, try and make the game playable as a police roleplayer.
I'm very sorry I didn't realize that I put this request in the Saints row 4 section, please move the thread to the saints row 3 section. Sorry for the trouble
Blue if you download sandbox+ for sr:tt you can swap faction e.g be the stag police or even deckers or whatever faction you wish
Moving thread. Please do not double/triple/quadruple post, and simply use the edit button. We even have a forum rule to that effect. Also, like Reaper4911 said, this is already available with Sandbox+.
Ok, I am sorry about that. Thank you for the Sandbox+ suggestion, I've looked at that already, but is there any way to add activities to the game. So you can maybe go to the police station and get called out to go on a patrol or a traffic stop? And also, is it possible to add cars to the game. Cause if so, someone could make more of a variety of cars to drive while as the police.
Ok, I am sorry about that. Thank you for the Sandbox+ suggestion, I've looked at that already, but is there any way to add activities to the game. So you can maybe go to the police station and get called out to go on a patrol or a traffic stop? And also, is it possible to add cars to the game. Cause if so, someone could make more of a variety of cars to drive while as the police.

Not yet. The trigger data is stored as part of the world geometry. It's something that may be possible once we have tools to edit that; likely after release schedule D of the SRTT SDK. There is no ETA yet on release.