Possible Addition for Saints Book Challenges ?

I noticed when you have your 45 Shepherds upgraded to lvl 4 -assuming that by then you will also have Dual Wield Pistols- any enemy you pepper with bullets (at Casual Level) can be sent flying up into the air. If you keep on shooting his/her corpse while it is still airborne, you could try to keep them from slamming back to the ground for as long as possible. If you could add [script?] a timer to it, you'd have a fun challenge -or at least one in line with the over-the-top experience of SRTT.
I wouldn't know anything about the feasibility, or the possibilities.
Can such a thing be done with the tools and know-how that are currently available? And how could the multiple challenges be won -f.i. is it possible to keep more than one enemy off the ground at the same time- and what would be necessary to complete it?