Possible Errors

I Placed an Attack Chopper (Tornado, heli_fighter_01) on top of the Technically Legal roof.

Now I *can* just walk through the club to gain access to the roof, but I can also
just create a elevator/teleport near the front door.

(NOTE: I did not just pull this code out of my hat one day. I studied SuperNull's Easycruiser
And Masako Team's Ultor Rising to learn how to do this)

When solving any problem the first question I ask is: What am I hoping to accomplish? In this case the answer is
placing a parking spawn on a roof and then creating a teleport to be able to quickly access it.

The Next question is: How do I plan to accomplish my task? I.E. What steps are involved? In this case I need to
gain roof access and then pick a location for my vehicle spawn as well as the location for the first part of my teleport.
Then while on the ground I need to pick a spot for the other part of my teleport.

Last question:How am I hoping to accomplish this? By finding and writing down the coordinates to not only my vehicle spawn
point but also to my teleport points. Not just the one on the roof but also the one on the ground that connects to it. To
accomplish this I use powertools. (Note: You need a keyboard with a Scroll Lock Key to use the coordinates function.)
Be sure to remember to make note of your viewing angle.

See 'Angle/Orient/Direction in Saints Row 2' by Nclok1405. (It's under Saints Row 2 Guides And Tutorials - Page 2)

See 'The (MIRROR) Saints Row 2 Powertools and Resolution Editor' post by Nclok1405 (It's under Saints Row 2 Tool Releases)

The Angles Are: South 0.0 West 1.55 North 3.15 East 4.7 Angle loops back around ~6.29. (Courtesy NClok1405)

So my viewing angle on boath the gound and the roof is 0.0 (South)

To make mapping out your parking space easier fly a heli up on the roof and land it where you want yours to spawn.
Write down your coordinates while you are still sitting in the heli

(A word on the powertools coordinate mapper tool: the numbers it provides are not always stationary. You may notice
that some of the numbers within the coordinate set keep changing. What I usually do is watch the numbers in each coordinate
until the reach their highest point, then I add a number to it (I.E. 420.98 20.16 -1720.35. So if the first coordinate
fluctuates between 420.65 and 420.97 then I would add 1 to it for 420.98)

According to powertools my chopper spawn coordinates are 427.785217 32.8955 -1704.959839 and my (roof) teleport coordinates are:
420.29 31.684 -1716.70. My ground spawn coordinates are: 420.98 20.16 -1720.35. In order to create out vehicle spawn
we either have to create a new file with parking information or edit the parking_spots.cts, which I don't
recommend. So lets create a new file called 'Parking.cts" and add it to the
bottom of the 'sr2_city.cts' file. (Like so: $Include: "parking.cts")

Open up your parking.cts file in a text editor. Notepad will do and add these sections:

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Spawn NPC Regions
// -------

// -------
#Action Nodes
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Chunk Streaming Test Cases
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ----------
#DSP Regions
// ----------

// -------------
#Audio Cluders
// -------------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------



The portions we need to edit are Navpoints And Parking.


// ---------
# Navpoints
// ---------

//Rooftop Technically Legal
$Navpoint: "parking_spots_tech_legal_roof
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <427.785217 32.8955 -1704.959839>
$Orient: [0.695712]

// -------
# Parking
// -------

//Rooftop Technically Legal
$Parking: "parking_spots_tech_legal_roof"
$Dimensions: 11.00 6.71
$Spawn Chance: 100
+Force vehicle: "heli_fighter_01"

So Your File Will look like:


// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

//Rooftop Technically Legal
$Navpoint: "parking_spots_tech_legal_roof"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <427.785217 32.8955 -1704.959839>
$Orient: [0.695712]

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Spawn NPC Regions
// -------

// -------
#Action Nodes
// -------

// -------
// -------

//Rooftop Technically Legal
$Parking: "parking_spots_tech_legal_roof"
$Dimensions: 11.00 6.71
$Spawn Chance: 100
+Force vehicle: "heli_fighter_01"

// -------
#Chunk Streaming Test Cases
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ----------
#DSP Regions
// ----------

// -------------
#Audio Cluders
// -------------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------



Once your file is done drop it in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' folder
in the Gentlemen Of The Row directory and recomile. When that is finished then Place the created files in your
SR2 game folder and try it out.

If Your game crashes before getting to the loading percent screen chances are you have a syntax error in your code
Look at your new file and make sure that you used periods, not commas, then make sure that you have included
all necessary brackets Hash Tags and Dollar Signs, Etc ...

If you have to make corrections just save the file and recompile. try your game again. It should work fine now.

Do not be discouraged if you heli doesn't showup immediately. Sometimes it take a little while to spawn Just leave the
area and return. If you have left and returned to the area several times 5 to 10 maybe more) and it still hasn't appeared check your coordinates.

Make sure they are correct and that you didn't forget the '-' sign in front of that last coordinate (Not all
coordinates have a -sign but these do.) It is worth noting that if you show up looking for a heli to spawn while
you are flying another heli, it may not spawn in)

Now that we have our chopper sorted out it's time to make out teleport/Elevator.

Create another cts file. We'll call this one 'televators.cts' (You can name your files anything you want to) Add it to
"Sr2_City.cts" as well. ($Include: "televators.cts")

it shoud look like this

Note I copied the following code from Ultor Rising (Masko Team's) mod files and then added my own values. So do not consider this
just my work. (I think this was from Ultor Rising, If I am wrong and it's from Easycruiser (SuperNull) then I apologize)


// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ========================
// ====== ELEVATORS ======
// ========================

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ========================
// ====== ELEVATORS ======
// ========================

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Spawn NPC Regions
// -------

// -------
#Action Nodes
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Chunk Streaming Test Cases
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ----------
#DSP Regions
// ----------

// -------------
#Audio Cluders
// -------------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------



Then you need to add your elevator code so it should look like this"


// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ========================
// ====== ELEVATORS ======
// ========================

//Technically Legal Roof
$Navpoint: "tech_up"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <420.98 20.16 -1720.35>
$Orient: [0]

$Navpoint: "tech_down"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <420.29 31.684 -1716.70>
$Orient: [0]

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ========================
// ====== ELEVATORS ======
// ========================

//Technically Legal Roof
$Trigger: "tech_up"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "warp"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "tech_up"
+UseMessage: "Get on top of the roof"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
+Warp Nav: "tech_down"

$Trigger: "tech_down"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "warp"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "tech_down"
+UseMessage: "Get off the roof"
$Box size: -1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000
+Ignore Vehicles
+Warp Nav: "tech_up"
// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Spawn NPC Regions
// -------

// -------
#Action Nodes
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
#Chunk Streaming Test Cases
// -------

// -------
// -------

// ----------
#DSP Regions
// ----------

// -------------
#Audio Cluders
// -------------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------

// -------
// -------


That is your teleport code.

NOTE: This kind of teleport can be used as a shortcut from area to area as well. For instance I placed a warp
on Mt. Claflin to Posiedon's Casino.

Sorry if this is a bit long. I have tried to anticipate questions from new modders and answer them.
Last edited:
Appreciate the detailed explanation for everything! However, it could look better if you mark snippets as spoilers so people can more quickly find what they need (for example, the "making the helicopter spawn", "troubleshooting errors" sections ...)
Thank you for the heads up. Im willing to take your advice. Im just not sure how to do so. If you could point me at some kind of reference it would be appriciated.
The post could be tidier is all. There's a lot to scroll through. To make a spoiler, highlight the content, then click the three vertical dots in the toolbar, then click the eye with a line through it. The spoiler should look like this:

But yeah! This is pretty much exactly how Spadita and I made Restored Train Stations.
You can also get coordinates using Juiced Patch, which will print them to debug.txt, so you can then just copy/paste them to the .cts.

This site will show you all the possible functions of .cts files. (Credit @Möyh Mäyh)

It should be noted that the game can only load so many triggers at one time, or else you'll run into issues like this one.

I had no idea you could make new .cts files. I might give that a try.

Useful Links:
Angle/Orientation/Direction - Nclok1405
Juiced Patch - Uzis (&Co.)
SuperUI (Coordinates Custom Mission) - Nclok1405
cts mapper (Generates maps from .cts files) - Masamaru

Welcome to SRM, Miscreant!