Powerful Stag Weapons.

I Have made all the Stag guns more powerful than they ever were so you can go around steelport with
your friends and kill anything that stands in your way.


  • mod installation.rar
    mod installation.rar
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  • saintsrowthethird 2013-05-07 14-49-28-73.jpg
    saintsrowthethird 2013-05-07 14-49-28-73.jpg
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Respect for your mod, and all that.

But yeah, that's what this game needs: more god-mode! /sarcasm Seriously, it's as good as impossible to die in this game as it is. By the time you're half-way thru the game, all dmg modifiers are set to 0.00 already; and the only thing that can still harm you (short of getting blown up in a tank or something) is a brute attacking you -- and even then you can probably still brew some coffee first, before you actually die.
Respect for your mod, and all that.

But yeah, that's what this game needs: more god-mode! /sarcasm Seriously, it's as good as impossible to die in this game as it is. By the time you're half-way thru the game, all dmg modifiers are set to 0.00 already; and the only thing that can still harm you (short of getting blown up in a tank or something) is a brute attacking you -- and even then you can probably still brew some coffee first, before you actually die.

Your beef is a problem with the damage modifier upgrades, and not the weapons. Removing the upgrades with Corrodias' save editor is the key to actually having fun again. Also, the vanilla STAG weapons are severely underpowered. This mod is a great step in the right direction to fix that.
Your beef is a problem with the damage modifier upgrades, and not the weapons. Removing the upgrades with Corrodias' save editor is the key to actually having fun again. Also, the vanilla STAG weapons are severely underpowered. This mod is a great step in the right direction to fix that.

I'm not sure when it happened, but yeah, at some point you're effectively in god-mod already. I can dive off Saints HQ, and not get a scratch on me! And that's coming from someone who likes things easy. :) But even *I* think they made SR3 a bit too easy. But yeah, I can always reset the dmg modifiers to more reasonable values again.

And sorry for dissing the mod. Just seemed odd to see a mod that makes things even easier than they already are.
Tried to install it, but weapons.xtbl actually seems to contain a huge list of weapons (and their stats). Won't they interfere with stats for upgraded weapons and all?
Tried to install it, but weapons.xtbl actually seems to contain a huge list of weapons (and their stats). Won't they interfere with stats for upgraded weapons and all?

Only when weapon_upgrades.xtbl is untouched.
Only when weapon_upgrades.xtbl is untouched.

Thanks. I currently don't seem to have a weapon_upgrades.xtbl file. So, does this mod affect all my weapons then? (as in 'resetting them to some default value'; not sure I would like that).
Well.I love the Stag viper laser rifle and with this mod it becomes more cool.KASUMIOWNS, I have a request from you.Can I use your mod and change it a bit?I promise 3/4 of credit would go to you.Please reply with your answer.
^^ LOL. What's the deal with these pirates?! I'm beginning to see your wish to make linking your STEAM account mandatory. :)