Question about official cheat

Okay, this is a question about one of the cheats I heard the devs mention today .

Will the current cheat to disable super powers flag game saves as 'cheater' and thereby
ruin achievements and such?

THose who have the game already know the answer I hope you can reply before midnight tonight.

If you could also please, inform if this also applies to the other known cheats the game already
provides or if they took the effort to seperate cheats by class , such as gives a cheating benifit thereby
IS A CHEAT vs something like the above which is just game play choice.

Thanks in advance.
Okay, this is a question about one of the cheats I heard the devs mention today .

Will the current cheat to disable super powers flag game saves as 'cheater' and thereby
ruin achievements and such?

THose who have the game already know the answer I hope you can reply before midnight tonight.

If you could also please, inform if this also applies to the other known cheats the game already
provides or if they took the effort to seperate cheats by class , such as gives a cheating benifit thereby
IS A CHEAT vs something like the above which is just game play choice.

Thanks in advance.

If it's a cheat, then yes. By default it will flag your save.

But, you're in luck because I'm releasing a few mods tonight, one of which is an open/additional cheats mod that removes that.
If it's a cheat, then yes. By default it will flag your save.

But, you're in luck because I'm releasing a few mods tonight, one of which is an open/additional cheats mod that removes that.
You're already releasing that? I mean, I know you've had the game for a while, but I wasn't expecting that mod for at least a few weeks. Looks like things will be even better than expected.
Sweet. Thank you.
While on that will you admins be crafting more sub forums soon for SR4?
Take a look at the forum list ;)

They've actually existed for a few months - since Idol and I got the press preview build - they've just been hidden.